My lifestyle

Bless yourself with better health!


When I was a scrawny little boy, I remember sitting on a metal kitchen table in my parent’s kitchen and struggling so hard just to breathe. I had severe asthma and I was turning blue. My parents did all they could to help me. The doctors told us this was something I would have to live with the rest of my life.

As I grew older, I realized how much exercise helped with the asthma. In school I participated in swimming, diving, gymnastics and wrestling. During the years with daily exercise, I have transformed myself from 150 pounds and a size large to 210 pounds and to a double extra large. As an adult, I have flown airplanes and paraplanes, raced motorcycles, studied tae kwon do and full contact ultimate boxing. I still start each day with exercise. Fitness has become a central part of my life. It seemed everyone wanted to know what I did to stay in shape and could I help them do the same. I would counsel them and would even work with them at home or in a gym. While on a mission trip to Zimbabwe, everyone wanted to know why I had so much energy at the end of a long day of hard work and how could they feel the same way. I would give them a few exercises they could do away from a gym environment. When I returned, at the encouragement of my wife, I became a personal trainer. Working with people to help them regain their strength, youth and better health is so rewarding. I train an 87 year old and have watched this person get stronger, drop 20+ pounds and significantly lower their cholesterol – how wonderful is that!

Here is one way exercise has helped me. For Father’s Day, I was asked to join 15 other men from our church to participate in a push-up contest. Our pastor thought this would be a fun way to celebrate fathers. The ages ranged from early twenties, thirties and me (I am 61). Not to be outdone, our pastor, who is in his fifties, jumped up and joined in. The contest was to see how many push-ups one could do in sixty seconds. Each contestant had one spotter/counter – I had two! Ready, set, go – all of us up on stage doing push-ups while the congregation was yelling and cheering us on. When the ‘referee’ yelled time we had to stop. The referee then asked each spotter/counter how many that person completed. The counts were 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Like I said, the closest to me in age was our pastor. The other contestants were crushed when they heard my two spotters/counters say, ‘he did 87 push-ups’! I am now known as the push-up king at our church. Our pastor still comes up and grabs my biceps and declares ‘man those are hard’!

I am now encouraging my young grandchildren to learn to stay physically fit throughout their lives.

The idea for the 1 Minute Workout woke me up from a deep sleep very early one morning. Actually it was God who woke me up. Initially I brushed it off and tried to go back to sleep. But after waking up for the third time, I got up and started drawing at His direction. After a couple of hours of drawing I thought what a great concept – this would enable people at any fitness level to get a complete workout in approximately eight minutes. More importantly, they could workout a body part stimulating maximum muscle tissue in just one minute! Everyone will exercise if it only takes one minute to better their health, to become stronger, to sleep better and to have more energy.

This will literally benefit millions of people. Doctors will use this for rehabilitation and therapy. And all you need is just one minute! Hang it on your door, any door, select the body part you want to work out, slip the exercise tubing in the strapping, follow my system and in 1 minute achieve multiple muscle stimulating reps. You can take it to work, use it at home or take it with you as you travel. It fits in a suitcase or it hangs on your shoulder – weighing less than a couple of pounds. The system fits any door type and can handle approximately 600 pounds of resistance. It only takes 1 minute to improve your quality of life and everyone wants that!